Saturday, July 25, 2020


Welcome to my very first blog. So, this blog will just be explaining who I am, what you can expect from my upcoming blogs and why am I doing this?

So, number one: Who am I? 

My name is Pratyushi Dey, 21 years old, Indian. I'm a graduating Leather Fashion Design student. My background in designing has heavily influenced my approach to things in life. I am generally considered as an introvert but, I would rather say I am somewhere midway between an introvert and extrovert. I am also a fun person in my own way. If I like or love something, I can just overdo it sometimes and I like mostly everything. Like, since, I have been allowed to issue books from library, I have always issued Happy Potter. I have read all the 7 parts, let’s say, 7 times each. And I love it. This book holds a very important place in my life. I still watch cartoons, eat toffees, lollipop. I just cannot resist them. For once I can be bribed by these and chocolates. Growing up, I wanted to be a teacher, doctor, journalist, lawyer, actor, fashion designer and editor in chief of a magazine………… Maybe the list can cover all the existing professions. Here, I am a fashion designing student. I am happy that atleast, I am not doing something that I did not have there on my list. I love reading books (well not my syllabus books). I had the habit of journaling from the time I didn’t even knew the meaning of journaling.

Now number two: What can you expect from my blogs?
It will be a personal blog. I would share a little bit and bits of everything in between my life that I’d share with my close friends. I'll be writing about different experiences or encounters of life and how can you all benefit from reading them, whether it’s a book, comic, novel, movie…. I loved and recommend you guys, or a trip or event I went to, or some of my inspiration, theme, mood board for my designs (a story-line), or a personal challenge I’ve gone through and how these made a difference to my life.

For this blogging site, I also want this to be a platform where I can talk about causes that are close to my heart and hopefully this can also be a medium for me to discover new advocacies, fall in love with them and share them with you.

And thirdly: Why am I doing this?
First of all, I need a passion project in my life. Also, I conditioned my body for the past 16 years to respond to stress and pressure and now that I'm doing nothing.... I need something to keep me occupied while I look for a part time, because or else my body will just start to decay, to slowly decay. I love reading blogs and creating one was always on my mind but never had the guts or time to create one.
The things I've experienced, the people I've met, all the crazy memories that I thought that I'll never be able to even try and tell anyone but here I am, doing the exact same thing that wasn’t expected of me. I've never been a superficial person. I've never cared much about status, followers, whatever you want to call it. But it's starting to get to me. I've found myself starting to care way too much about all those meaningless things so much that I have almost forgotten how to have fun. You know how you have those moments in life that enlighten you? Once, I went to marriage ceremony with my family and suddenly it was like my mind scanning the whole place: Is anyone really enjoying themselves? I looked around, most people are on their phones taking photos or just on their phones looking bored as heck. Everyone was looking gorgeous, but hey what else is there? Where was the liveliness? And most importantly what the heck was I even doing there? I know I might sound like I didn’t like it much; I am not at all. I do love it here in this world. This world has taught me some very important life lessons and has allowed me to meet some of the most amazing people. And I'll cherish the memories forever. But I have to take a step back I don't want to lose myself and thankfully, it's not too late for that. Right? Wrong. Well, kind of. Let me explain, if I talk about my social media handles; whenever I used to post any picture of myself or maybe anything, I used to think that whether this would look good to others. Am I looking pretty in the picture or is it presentable? That’s a major reason that I didn’t post much regularly. Even now I remember how I used to discuss with one of my friends watching another’s post that how did he neglected the surrounding details and posted it on social media for everyone to view it. But now analyzing that, feeling that way was so wrong. Posting a picture means to share our good and bad times in our life with the world, it is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving what you have caught on film and reliving the moment. Now I know that social media and real life are not the same and I shouldn’t really care. But I do. I care for what the younger ones and everyone else see and learn from me. I want them to know that even though I was not that good in portraying myself, but I'll do better. I hope it’s not too late. And as the saying goes " Its better late than never" so here it’s never too late to start this right now, at this very moment.

So, that's pretty much it. I thought to keep this simple and short when I started but I think that I am already in love with this. And as I have already mentioned, I really did, overdo it!
I hope you stick around for more blogs.